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The Thrift Shop is located on Allen Street.


St. John's thrift shop is located on Allen Street in Athol. Take Park Avenue off of School Street and take a right on Allen Street.

There is a driveway about 50 feet down Allen Street that leads to the Thrift Shop. 

As parking is limited behind the Thrift Shop you may want to park on Allen Street and walk down the driveway.

There's always something new at the Thrift Shop!


We're getting new merchandise in every week. Men's clothing, Women's clothing, baby clothing, housewares, toys, and more.

We often have interesting collectables as well. Watch for our "specials" and super sales.

Clothing, baby clothes, housewares, collectables, and more!



© 2015 St. John's Episcopal Church, Athol, MA 01331                                                                                                                                                                          FIND US ON FACEBOOK

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